Immigration Fraud
What is Immigration Fraud?
Immigration fraud is a broad term that may include several types of fraudulent activity. It can involve false statements or fraud in submitting immigration documents (re: visas, green card, citizenship) to the USCIS. Another type of immigration fraud involves marrying someone solely for green card which grants a person permanent lawful immigrant status. Immigration fraud can be complicated because it often involves multiple individuals which could additionally bring about conspiracy and/or aiding and abetting charges.
What are the consequences of an Immigration Fraud conviction?
The statute provides a maximum prison time of 5 years and/or fines as a result of conviction.
What are some defenses to an Immigration Fraud charge?
There are a number of possible defenses to charges of immigration fraud. However, each case is different and specific defenses depend on what happened in the case. Possible defenses include lack of knowledge that any documents produced were fraudulent.
Contacting a criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles
If you are accused of immigration fraud, you should contact Ken Behzadi immediately to learn more about your rights, your defenses, and the legal system process.